Our Focus on Quality
At Pengelly Engineers our priorities are safety, quality and precision. To ensure we stay focused on each of these, we have chosen to be Steel Fabricator Certification (SFC) certified.
Of the many structural steel fabricators in New Zealand, there are relatively few who have SFC certification – we are one of them, ensuring our manufactured structural steelwork is fabricated according to international best practice.

What is SFC - Steel Fabrication Certification?
Overseen by Steel Construction New Zealand, Steel Fabrication Certification (SFC) is a certification scheme to ensure participating steel fabricators and steel component manufacturers have the capability to manufacture product to the requirements of AS/NZS 5131 (Structural Steelwork – Fabrication and Erection).
The SFC scheme provides independent expert certification of New Zealand fabrication and component manufacturing companies to ensure they have the appropriate quality management systems in place to enable them to consistently produce compliant-fabricated product of the required standard.

SFC & Pengelly Engineers
While the SFC scheme is voluntary, Pengelly Engineers decided some time ago to apply for certification. To gain SFC certification requires all our materials, fabrication processes, and final products to be audited and approved by HERA and SCNZ.
Being SFC certified provides a key point of difference for us as a structural steel fabricator. It gives our clients a confidence in all aspects of our manufacturing process. That means, when you deal with Pengelly Engineers, you can be certain you are dealing with a company with proven procedures and personnel that, together, represent quality craftmanship and international best practice.